SSH & Mullvad VPN


If your remote server runs mullvad vpn, it can prevent ssh connections while using the normal public ip address for the server. To make it work without this guide would require you to forward a mullvad port and track down the new ip for the vpn tunnel each time.

Instead, we can create a useful exception with mullvad so that incoming ssh connections using the normal public ip will be accepted and routed normally. The concept used to create the exception can probably be applied to other VPNs with similar functionality, but that will be something for you to tinker with. For context, my server is running Debian 11 with systemd.


The first thing to do is to use the mullvad-exclude command that comes with the mullvad linux CLI program when the sshd service is started.

Modify the sshd service file in /etc/systemd/system/sshd.service

Change ExecStart to be ExecStart=/usr/bin/mullvad-exclude /usr/sbin/sshd -D $SSHD_OPTS

Finally, add an additional line RestartSec=20

My sshd.service looks like this:

[Unit] Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5) auditd.service ConditionPathExists=!/etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run [Service] EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/ssh ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -t ExecStart=/usr/bin/mullvad-exclude /usr/sbin/sshd -D $SSHD_OPTS ExecReload=/usr/sbin/sshd -t ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process Restart=on-failure RestartSec=20 RestartPreventExitStatus=255 Type=notify RuntimeDirectory=sshd RuntimeDirectoryMode=0755 [Install] Alias=sshd.service

This will make it so on system boot the sshd service will be routed normally and excluded from the mullvad vpn tunnel. RestartSec is necessary because its likely that the sshd service will be loaded before mullvad's service, so we give it a little bit of buffer time to try again.


Unfortunatly we need to do one more step, which I am fairly sure is not intended by the mullvad devs (mullvad-exclude should be enough). We have to make an explicit nftable rule to allow incoming connections for the ssh port you use. By default this will be 22, but if you use a different port, which I recommend for security purposes, use that port number instead.

Create a file for storing the rule; I will create one called excludeTraffic.rules

table inet excludeTraffic { chain allowIncoming { type filter hook input priority -100; policy accept; udp dport PORTNUMBER ct mark set 0x00000f41; tcp dport PORTNUMBER ct mark set 0x00000f41; } }

Replacing PORTNUMBER with the port you use for SSH

You will have to add these rules to your nftables upon EACH RESTART, you can do so by executing this command:

sudo nft -f excludeTraffic.rules

It is important to run this command BEFORE you connect to mullvad for the first time, or else you could potentially be kicked out of your ssh connection. I recommend adding this to a startup script. There may be a way to make nftables rules persist after restarts but I haven't found it. Let me know if you do!


This solution was created based off of an email chain I had with someone from mullvad customer support, and it seemed like there weren't any other solutions available.

The nftables idea came from this github issue post.